slide show
Sat 21 May
Sun 22 May
Mon 23 May
Tue 24 May
Wed 25 May
Thr 26 May
Fri 27 May
Sat 28 May
Sun 29 May
Mon 30 May
Tue 31 May
Wed 1 June
Thr 2 June
Fri 3 June
Sat 4 June
Walking For Schools
Mon 23 May
Tue 24 May
Wed 25 May
Thr 26 May
Fri 27 May
Walk 23 Archaeological Walk from Aberffraw to Porth Trecastell 9.15am

Visit Prehistoric sites including Barcloddiad Y Gawres burial chamber, the site of a former promontory fort and peat deposits. The listed Llangwyfan C12th Church and mystery site of the Llys thought to be at Aberffraw provide medieval interest whilst more modern shipwreck and military sites complete the narrative.

Walk 24 Benllech to Red Wharf Bay 10.00am

Follow the shore to see rare sandstone pipes in the Carboniferous Limestone. Understand how Anglesey started its ‘life’ in the Southern hemisphere and crossed the equator 300 million years ago when these rocks formed in the warm shallow seas of the tropics.

Walk 25 Penmynydd – the Birthplace of Royalty 10.00am

Penmynydd was the base of one of the most powerful families on the island. It also gave rise to the royal dynasty of the house of Tudor which included King Henry V111 and Queen Elizabeth the 1st of England. Hear the story of Ednyfed Fychan in the 13th century lord steward to Llywelyn the Great and visit the Church of St Gredifael where Gronwy Fychan is buried and walk on to Plas Penmynydd home of the Tudors on Anglesey.

Walk 26 Saint Patrick's Walk 10.00am

Join our expert guide on one of Anglesey’s most stunning coastal walks with its rich historical and ecological interest. Walk to Llanbadrig and Llanlleiana where there will be an opportunity to climb up to the top of Dinas Gynfor, then returning back to the Heritage Centre.

Walk 27 Geology, Shipwrecks, Wreckers and Wildlife 12.00pm

This is an easy walk along the tourist beaches of the popular resort of Rhosneigr, including a circuit of Llyn Maelog. On the walk you will learn about the fascinating geology of the area, hear of the heroic actions of lifeboat men attending the ‘Norman Court’ wreck, and of the less heroic actions of the ‘Crigyll Wreckers’. And hopefully you’ll see some of the wildlife on and around Llyn Maelog (binoculars useful!).