slide show
Sat 21 May
Sun 22 May
Mon 23 May
Tue 24 May
Wed 25 May
Thr 26 May
Fri 27 May
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Sat 4 June
Walking For Schools
Mon 23 May
Tue 24 May
Wed 25 May
Thr 26 May
Fri 27 May
Walk 18 Malltraeth Estuary 1.00pm

A great place to spot sea birds and waders but the present day tranquillity belies the violent tectonic event that created the estuary, the evidence still preserved in the geology lining the second part of our walk. Discover impressions left in the rock by the roots of coal measure trees, and a dolerite dyke, possibly formed when the Atlantic Ocean opened up..

Length and grade:-
 miles, 2-3 hrs, moderate, please bring wellington boots

Start point:-
 Cwt Glas car park, Malltraeth

 Angela Honey

No Dogs | Stout Footware recommended | Wear Suitable Warm & Dry Clothing